The first post. This post could set the tone for the rest of the blog and yet I don't even know what the blog is about. Maybe there's a theme, maybe I'll just spout random thoughts or tell about my daily life. I could do anything I want. I could probably be talking to nobody. Why did I start a blog in the first place you may ask. I could say it's because I believe that what I have to say is important. But the real reason is because of a whim. I was reading my friend's blog and I had a thought that I could write one. I sat for perhaps 10 minutes thinking of a name and came up with Tales from the Topside. I'm guessing that only two people actually know what I mean by this and probably only one will remember. As for the purpose of this blog, I'm not really sure. Each post will be a tale of some sort. I will probably not post often and when I do it won't be exciting. If you do read each and every post I thank you and tell you to find a more interesting thing to use up your time. Let the journey start.
Lady E